Alejandra and Richard Gere launched the countdown so that by 2030 no one will live on the street
The couple, faithful to their commitment to the cause, star in the new campaign of HOGAR SÍ: #2030CuentaAtrás, to raise social awareness about the need to ensure that no one will live on the street in 2030. The same commitment made by Spain in the framework of the European Platform on Combatting Homelessness.
We cannot envisage great advances in humanity, such as technological advances, without them being accompanied by advances in human rights. In 2030 perhaps 3D printers will be able to print organs, communication will be done through holograms, or humanity will colonise the Moon. Apart from utopias or dystopias, what is known for sure is that: “The most surreal thing about the year 2030 would be that homelessness continues to exist”, as Richard and Alejandra Gere said.
Spain is living an important moment, the legislature that has just ended has brought upon a breakthrough for the eradication of homelessness.
Several public policies with the potential to contribute to the solution of the phenomenon have been developed. One of them is the new State Plan for Access to Housing 2022-2025, which has a specific program; others include the provisions of the Housing Law that set a horizon for the eradication of homelessness. The legislature has also established broad consensus that involves all the Autonomous Communities regarding the future Strategy for the Eradication of Homelessness 2023-2030, and progress in a future strategy that promotes community living and the deinstitutionalization of care …
HOGAR SÍ claims the need to continue building large consensus to put an end to a problem that affects more than 37,000 homeless people across the country. It is the key to achieve a broad social agreement, in which all people join forces to put an end to this phenomenon. Political commitment alone is not enough; social and economic actors and the citizens themselves play an essential role in this process.
We have the best starting conditions, but we need momentum.
“We need you. Now”. Richard Gere