

What is happening every day and every night in the European Union? At least 895,000 people face the brutal reality of homelessness. In addition to lack of housing, homelessness represents the denial of fundamental rights such as health, employment and security. Structural poverty, the housing crisis or COVID-19 and the war in Ukraine have pushed...

The INE (National Statistical Institute) has published, after a decade, the data of the survey on homelessness in Spain. The total number of people included in the survey is 28,552. However, this figure could be 30% higher, according to HOGAR SÍ estimates, since it does not include those people who live permanently on the...

A few days ago we read the news of a brutal attack against an old homeless lady in a street in downtown Madrid. This piece of news and her image with her bruised face was shared on social  media networks. Do we need to see the bruises of an old lady to react against the...

RAIS is an organisation existing so that no one lives on the Street. This simple sentence summarizes the mission of our organisation which, since 1998, focuses on homeless people with greater support needs. 4 years ago we became interested on a working method that was solving the homelessness phenomenon in many countries in the world. During...

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