Aporophobic hate speech on social network ‘X’
At HOGAR SÍ we work with a rights-based approach so that no one lives on the street. For this reason, we are suspending our activity on the social network X, where hateful aporophobic speeches have been spread by its owner, Mr. Musk:
‘In most cases, the word ‘homeless’ is a lie. It’s usually a propaganda word for violent drug addicts with severe mental illness’.
Until this social network changes the course of its discourse, you can find us on our usual channels: Instagram, Facebook, Linkedin,Youtube and now also, little by little, we will participate in BlueSky.
We share with you our letter to X’s management where we denounce this practice:
To the attention of Linda Yaccarino, CEO of X.com
Dear Ms. Yaccarino,
My name is Gema Castilla, and I am the Director of Communication and Institutional Relations at HOGAR SÍ, a Spanish NGO dedicated to ensuring that no one has to live on the streets. For over twelve years, we have used the social network you lead as one of our primary communication channels.
During this time, we have built a community of more than 12,000 followers and have worked diligently to create high-quality content that positions homelessness as a critical issue on the public agenda and fosters a proper understanding of this phenomenon. Our aim has been to present it as a structural issue, unrelated to individual decisions or conditions, and, above all, to combat the aporophobic stigma associated with those who lack a home.
In our approach, social networks are a powerful tool to influence public perception and mobilize society toward positive action. At HOGAR SÍ, we believe that digital platforms have the potential to be key allies in the fight against these prejudices and in promoting structural solutions. To this end, we have launched communication campaigns such as #SinhogarismoenlaRAE, #SinAporofobia, #NadieSinZapatillas, and #2030CuentaAtrás. These initiatives have not only generated significant media impact and broad engagement on your social network, but they have also received multiple awards and recognitions while markedly influencing public perceptions of homelessness.
For this reason, it is profoundly disheartening that, after so much effort to build an accurate image of homelessness and garner support to address this issue, Mr. Musk, the principal owner of the social network you lead and its de facto spokesperson, uses his account with over 200 million followers to question and discredit everything we stand for.
Mr. Musk’s statements not only contradict the available evidence but also perpetuate harmful stigmas. For example, in Spain, only 9.4% of people experiencing homelessness have been diagnosed with a severe or chronic mental illness (INE, 2022). Similarly, it is incorrect to systematically associate homelessness with abusive alcohol or drug consumption, as in many cases, such consumption is a consequence of the extreme adversity they face rather than the cause of their homelessness. Furthermore, official data in Spain reveal that 50.3% (INE, 2022) of people experiencing homelessness have been victims of crimes or assaults, debunking any narrative that seeks to criminalize them.
Our experience with the housing programs we implement demonstrates that when these individuals gain access to a home, the indicators related to their mental health improve considerably, even in severe or chronic cases. Moreover, if substance use is involved, participation in these programs facilitates responsible decisions that often lead to reducing or abandoning such practices or, at the very least, minimizing their impact on health and the environment.
For all the above reasons, as the director of the unit leading communication and institutional relations at HOGAR SÍ, it is becoming increasingly difficult for me to justify our continued presence on your social network, especially when its owner uses his position to undermine our work, reinforce stereotypes, and hinder the mobilization of political, economic, and social actors toward the solution of homelessness. These actions also foster an environment that justifies the violence many people experiencing homelessness endure daily.
As a result, I have decided to suspend our activity on your social network as of today. I hope this gesture prompts a rectification and allows us to reconsider our participation in the future.
We hope that this reflection can mark the beginning of a change in the practices and messages associated with your platform, contributing to a more accurate depiction of homelessness. If you are willing to change the practices that have led to this situation and return to being a relevant actor that makes valuable contributions to solving homelessness, please know that our hand remains extended.
Gema Castilla Gómez
Director of Communication and Institutional Relations.