


Every night in the European Union, at least 895.000 people find themselves homeless. Homelessness is one of the most brutal situations of structural vulnerability a human being can experience. We’re not just talking about the absence of housing but the impossibility of guaranteeing the right to health, employment, security, and even dignity and life itself.

Homelessness is caused by factors far beyond the personal decisions of those who suffer from it. Structural poverty, housing market stress, and the lack of affordable housing stock, as well as the consequences of the economic crisis caused first by COVID-19 and later by the War in Ukraine, have pushed thousands of people into homelessness across all European Union countries.

On June 21st, 2021, the Lisbon Declaration on the European Platform on Combatting Homelessness was signed. This declaration, signed by the main European institutions, the high authorities of the member states of the Union, and important and representative social organizations like FEANTSA, gave birth to the European Platform on Combatting Homelessness, committing its signatories to work towards ending homelessness in Europe by 2030. This commitment includes the following:

1. No one sleeps rough for lack of accessible, safe and appropriate emergency accommodation.

2. No one lives in emergency or transitional accommodation longer than is required for successful move-on to a permanent housing solution.

3. No one is discharged from any institution (e.g. prison, hospital, care facility) without an offer of appropriate housing.

4. Evictions should be prevented whenever possible and no one is evicted without assistance for an appropriate housing solution, when needed.

5. No one is discriminated due to their homelessness status.

After the elections in June 2024 to the European Parliament and the renewal of the European Commission, the mandate of these two institutions will last until mid-2029. The time to deliver on the Lisbon commitments to ensure a home for everyone in the European Union will be almost up, making this legislature absolutely crucial.

The signatories of this manifesto call on all elected members of the European Parliament and future members of the European Commission to keep their commitment to the Lisbon declaration on the European Platform on Combating Homelessness and to realise the goal that by 2030 homelessness will be a problem solved and disappear from our streets.

The countdown to 2030 has begun. Act Now! 

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‘They tell me that “I’ve seen the world”, but I’ve had to travel all over Europe and I’ve never managed to get a home. Now I want to be able to rest in a house and feel safe. I have serious health problems, I’ve never eaten properly or been to the doctor’.

Miguel, 55, 14 years old, homeless.

With the overriding commitment of the 27 Member States that by 2030 no one should be homeless, as established in the Lisbon Declaration of the European Platform to Combat Homelessness, and its subsequent ratification in the Declaration of Avilés and the Declaration of Gijón, a roadmap is established to guide the public policies of the countries towards this goal. Spain is one of the countries that has made this commitment, and from HOGAR SÍ, we are sending our proposals to the candidates for the European Parliament so that they can include them in their electoral programmes. The approach to homelessness cannot be a passive one of mere management; measures focused on housing must be implemented in order to move towards the eradication of this structural phenomenon.

With the overriding commitment of the 27 Member States that by 2030 no one should be homeless, as established in the Lisbon Declaration of the European Platform to Combat Homelessness, and its subsequent ratification in the Declaration of Avilés and the Declaration of Gijón, a roadmap is established to guide the public policies of the countries towards this goal. Spain is one of the countries that has made this commitment, and from HOGAR SÍ, we are sending our proposals to the candidates for the European Parliament so that they can include them in their electoral programmes. The approach to homelessness cannot be a passive one of mere management; measures focused on housing must be implemented in order to move towards the eradication of this structural phenomenon.

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We know that ending homelessness is possible,
but we need your support to ensure that
no one lives on the streets.

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